Are we habituated to self improvement in care of the body and mind ?

I was about to post several short Shahabuddin mediations from 2021 to help us go beyond our fears: of not being good enough, of getting sick, or of not having found my purpose etc. But then I realized there has been a shift away from the self improvement trail to something new. We are now on the end run. Being The Message Thee alone exists. I am not.
Consider in the past, we may have used the practices like, ‘This is not my body. This is the temple of God.’ As an excuse to be attached to this body. For since, it is the temple of God, I should take care of it the best I can. While underneath we are just caught in fear losing it, losing control. — Thee alone exists. I am not.
Yes it is true, now, we are encouraged to do self analysis but that is not for the purposes of self improvement. This self analysis we are doing now, is the letting go of all those coverings that separate us from ‘The Message’. We are not trying to make those covering more palatable, less dense, less in control of us. We are letting it all go and entering a place of direct being beyond these forms we are so attached to. — Thee alone exists. I am not.
So to allow this shift to occur we need to first need to recognize it is actually happening, it called for. And then by self analysis we seeing where and how we are resisting this shift or just as important failing to recognize the reality of it, the actuality of it. — Thee alone exists. I am not.
No, I am not saying this is hierarchical where the new shift is better or higher than the old way. One way is not better than the other but for each of we need to be clear who we are in this landscape of our becoming. No not ‘Becoming’ that is self improvement. All we have to do ‘To Be‘. Who am I ? When the ‘I’ disappears and only the practice remains – – – Thee alone exists. I am not.

So now I again, hear Joe’s booming voice,”Just get on with it.

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